
Please read the posts in sequence…

  • 1. (Re)Discovering The Word: The Christian Mindset (1)

    The essay emphasizes the need for humility in understanding the Word of Christ. It highlights the differences between Christ’s perspective and human perspective, stressing the need to approach His words with deep reflection and spiritual humility. It encourages readers to seek understanding without presumptions and assumptions, aiming to comprehend the words from a higher viewpoint.

  • 2. (Re)Discovering The Word: The Christian Mindset (2)

    The essay emphasizes the need for humility and a selfless spiritual mindset in understanding the Word of Christ. The Word is meant to reshape individuals spiritually and is not primarily for material gain. Material comfort follows spiritual purification. The priority is to seek the kingdom of God, allowing all else to naturally emerge from this…

  • 3. What The Word Is, Part 1: Basic Definitions

    The essay discusses the concept of “The Word”, derived from the Gospel of John where “The Word” is translated from the Greek “Logos”. It signifies a Universal Truth of Divine origin understandable to humans. Christ, as part of God, made this Truth accessible through his teachings and messages, imparting spiritual life to mankind.

  • 4. What The Word Is, Part 2 : Truth

    The essay discusses the interconnectedness of Truth, The Word, and the Laws of Creation, emphasizing that Christ embodied and explained Truth through his actions and teachings. It highlights the importance of understanding Truth through the context of Divine Love. The resolution calls for integrating Truth, Lawfulness, and Love in interpreting Christ’s Word.

  • 5. What The Word Is, Part 3: On Human Words

    The essay emphasizes the distinction between the Divine Word and human words. The Word, or Divine Truth, is transcendent and must be translated into human words for comprehension. Christ’s words carry spiritual knowledge and life, which can be grasped through living experiences. The resolution is to seek understanding through daily application, not just book study.

  • 6. The Word Is Not a Name

    The essay emphasizes understanding and living by the Word of Christ to establish a relationship with Love and Truth. The name “Jesus” is incidental, as “In Christ’s name” refers to following Truth, Love, and Divine Lawfulness. Lip-worship is discouraged, focusing instead on living a life of love and connection with Christ.

  • 7. Thinking About God, Part 1 : Human Understanding

    The essay discusses the Word as Divine Truth and explores the Nature of God. Human understanding of God is compared to a lower species’s understanding of humans. The Word is key to understanding God and is transmitted through Christ’s words. Humility is emphasized in seeking to bridge the gap between human nature and the Divine.

  • 8. Thinking About God, Part 2: God Is Not Superman

    The essay emphasizes the need for a special mindset in understanding God and cautions against anthropomorphism. It warns against reducing God to human level and stresses the development of spiritual virtues to grasp the true nature of God. The resolution is to acknowledge God’s infinite superiority and approach Him with humility and love.

  • 9. Thinking About God, Part 3: God “Wants” Nothing

    The essay discusses the gap between man and God, emphasizing that God’s Nature is perfect and lacks nothing. It challenges the idea that God seeks worship for his benefit, arguing that worship is for the good of the human being. It encourages a mindset that reflects a pure attitude towards the Love of God.

  • 10. Thinking About God, Part 4: His Love & His Will

    This essay explores the unified nature of God’s Will and Love, emphasizing the importance of understanding and living by the spirit of the law. The discussion delves into misunderstood Divine commandments, emphasizing the need for spiritual understanding over superficial observance. It culminates in a resolution to pursue righteousness through love-guided adherence to God’s Law.

  • 11. What is Spiritual Knowledge? Part 1: Experience

    The essay emphasizes that true knowledge of The Word comes from personal experience, not mere learning. The example of understanding gravity illustrates that experience, not just learning, leads to real knowledge. The author stresses that reading The Word is not a substitute for action, and Christians must act to gain spiritual wisdom.

  • 12. What is Spiritual Knowledge? Part 2: Faith

    The essay discusses the transition from learnedness to true knowledge through faith and action in The Word. They emphasize that spiritual knowledge arises from experiences gained through faith-filled actions, leading to a shift from faith to knowledge. The resolution is to commit to selfless actions in faith, trusting in The Word for education through experiences.

  • 13. From Faith to Faith

    This essay explores the relationship between faith, knowledge, and spiritual development. It emphasizes that faith is a continual process, necessary for progressing to higher stages of understanding. Drawing from biblical references, it underscores the transformative power of pure faith, which leads to spiritual growth and a selfless expression of love.

  • 14. False Faiths, Part 1

    This essay explores the concept of faith and its manifestation. True faith is compared to a mustard seed, starting small but growing into a powerful force. The content urges readers to approach the Word with fresh understanding and not out of habit, remaining open to new revelations.

  • 15. False Faiths, Part 2

    The essay emphasizes true faith as childlike trust in love and truth, contrasting it with faith in organizational doctrines and leaders. It cautions against prioritizing organizations over personal spiritual growth and urges a focus on service to the Divine and humanity. The resolution advocates a faith centered on love and truth, independent of external influences.

  • 16. God’s Will vs God’s Love, Part 1: No Disconnect

    The essay explores the concept of The Word as the manifestation-cum-communication of Divine Truth. Seeking in humility and selflessness leads to understanding. The error of interpreting God’s Will without His Love leads to empty religious habits. Christ’s teachings emphasize the unity of Love and Will, providing profound insights into spiritual understanding.

  • 17. God’s Will vs God’s Love, Part 2: What is Love?

    The essay emphasizes the unity of God’s Love and God’s Will, warning against disconnecting the two. True Love is spiritual and aims for spiritual benefit, often conflicting with materialistic concepts. Embracing true Love may lead to disagreement with societal norms, but it ultimately serves spiritual growth, prompting us to serve others spiritually.

  • 18. God’s Will vs God’s Love, Part 3: Man’s Love

    The essay discusses the unity of God’s Will and Love, emphasizing pure love’s focus on spiritual benefit. It contrasts earthly love, often promoting selfishness, with God’s perfect rules. It urges selfless love and explores the flawed human concepts of love and will. The resolution is to nurture selfless love aligned with God’s Nature.

  • 19. The Nature of God’s Laws

    The essay emphasizes the contrast between human laws and God’s living and all-powerful Laws. God’s Power drives Creation and can be accessed through His Living Laws. The Word teaches alignment with these Laws, enabling access to God’s Power. Seeking God in prayer entails seeking support from His Laws, which respond according to our own nature.

  • 20. God’s Will vs God’s Love, Part 4: Grace, Mercy…

    These essays are written in sequence and build on each other. Read the preceding essay here. We continue our exploration of the unity of God’s Will and His Love. In the first essay in this series we examined the outcomes of trying to understand God’s Will while ignoring His Love.  This was an error common…

  • 21. God’s Perfection, Part 1: Basics

    The essay discusses the theme of God’s Perfection and how it relates to His unchanging nature. It emphasizes that God’s Will and Love are perfect and immutable, and any perceived changes stem from human understanding evolving, not from God altering His mind. The resolution is to honor God’s perfection and align expectations with His Will…

  • 22. God’s Perfection, Part 2: Logic

    The essay explores the Creator’s Perfection, its implications on our interpretation of The Word, and the harmony between logic and God’s Works. Science and religion’s divide stems from materialist scientists’ illogical premises. Believers must apply logical perfection to interpret The Word and reject interpretations that contradict God’s Perfection.

  • 23. “The Law” vs Divine Law: Letter of the Law

    The essay discusses the consistent workings of Creation, spiritual laws, and the essence of divine guidance. It emphasizes love as the core of all behaviors aligned with God’s Will. The Mosaic Law serves as a guide for human behavior in harmony with the Laws of Creation. The ultimate revelation is through Christ, who brought Truth…

  • 24. “The Law” vs Divine Law: Spirit of the Law

    The essay discusses the distinction between God’s Will and implications of God’s Will, emphasizing that knowledge of Divine Laws is a gift of Truth and grace. Christ’s teachings reveal the Laws of Creation as expressions of God’s Love, guiding humanity back to Truth. The path to understanding God’s Will lies in humble exploration of Christ’s…

  • 25. Miracles vs Perfection, Part 1: Human Expectations vs Divine Possibilities

    The essay emphasizes the connection between human actions and the resulting outcomes, as well as the need for faith in God’s perfection and justice. The “Golden Rule” is highlighted, and the limitations of human understanding in interpreting the laws of God are discussed. The resolution is to see God’s Laws as the manifestation of His…

  • 26. Miracles vs Perfection, Part 2: His Laws are Miracles

    The essay emphasizes that miracles and technical achievements operate within the laws of nature, representing possibilities embedded in Creation. They stress the importance of understanding and aligning with these laws to achieve spiritual growth and perform impactful works. Belief in God’s perfection and a comprehensive view of the Word are key to this alignment.

  • 27. The Spiritual Shapes the Material, Part 1

    The essay emphasizes the spiritual nature of Creation and the laws of the Creator. It proposes that material manifestations stem from spiritual origins, and argues for aligning scientific discoveries with spiritual wisdom. The text urges mindful thoughts, words, and actions to align with a higher purpose.

  • 28. The Spiritual Shapes the Material, Part 2

    This essay explores the spiritual principles of material manifestation. The material world is shaped by spiritual activity, and human decisions play a key role in this process. Physicists observe counterparts of spiritual processes in the laws of nature, including the phenomenon of attraction. The resolution encourages making spiritually uplifting decisions with awareness of their consequences.

  • 29. The Murder Case: Spiritual vs Material

    The essay discusses the spiritual origins of murder, focusing on anger and contempt as non-material realities that lead to destructive actions. The spiritual power of thoughts and words is emphasized, highlighting the responsibility and consequences of sowing negative spiritual seeds. The resolution is to align thoughts and words with purity in accordance with The Word.

  • 30. Sowing & Reaping: Agree With Thine Adversary

    The essay discusses the impact of spiritual activity on the material world, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals and the need to seek a perspective aligned with love and selflessness in conflicts. Failing to do so may lead to negative consequences. The resolution is to consider the “bigger picture” of The Word in all dealings.

  • 31. Sowing & Reaping: The Judge & The Officer

    The essay delves into the concept of reaping what one sows and the relationship between spiritual actions and material consequences. Using the biblical passage, the text emphasizes the gradual nature of reaping what is sown and the potential for change in the face of impending consequences. The framework presented underscores the presence of both retribution…

  • 32. A Law of Attraction

    This essay explores spiritual laws, particularly the Law of Attraction of Similar Types. It delves into the concept of similar types being drawn to each other, with the more powerful pulling resources from the weaker. The essays encourage understanding and adaptation to this spiritual law, akin to how we accept and adapt to physical laws…

  • 33. The Power of Love

    This essay explores the spiritual laws of Sowing & Reaping and Attraction. It emphasizes that love is the most powerful spiritual seed and the best way to understand and utilize these laws. Living in love requires wisdom and cleverness in a world dominated by evil, but it leads to blessings and security.

  • 34. Implications of The Law of Attraction 

    The essay discusses the Law of Attraction of Similar Types as an expression of God’s Will. It illustrates how the stronger attracts the weaker, contributing to evolution and progress in nature, business, and personal interactions. Ultimately, it emphasizes the power of thoughts and prayers, highlighting the importance of love in one’s intentions and actions.

  • 35. Using the Law of Attraction

    The essay explores the Law of Attraction, emphasizing alignment with it through love, restrained speech, and diligence. Love, in its pure form, aligns with the Creator and should guide decision-making. Excessive talk leads to thoughtless words, while diligence increases personal power through focused effort. Respecting the law is aligning with the Will of God.

  • 36. The Temptations of Christ: “Command That These Stones Be Made Bread!”

    This essay examines the nature of temptation and the correct attitude towards material needs in relation to spiritual matters. It highlights the danger of prioritizing material solutions over seeking God’s will, emphasizing the need to prioritize spiritual development over worldly comforts and wealth. The resolution is to seek God’s will first in all things.