32. A Law of Attraction

These essays are written in sequence and build on each other. Read the preceding essay here.

For he that hath,
to him shall be given:
and he that hath not,
from him shall be taken even that which he hath

— KJV, Mark 4:25

In an earlier series of essays we explored the Law of Sowing and Reaping as a manifestation of God’s Will. We now turn attention to another Law.

In one of those essays, the point was made that we can understand spiritual processes by observing natural processes in the right way, because the natural world is an offshoot of the spiritual world, and must therefore reflect spiritual laws, albeit in a coarser manner.

We have already made brief mention of a phenomenon of attraction, which has been observed by scientists to operate in the material world.

Interestingly, it is related to the statement of Christ quoted above.

This Word sometimes causes confusion amongst thinking people, as it appears to support some form of injustice: one who already has is being given more, while another who is barely getting by is having the little he has taken away..?

As was discussed in detail in an earlier essay, the Word of Christ must not be read as if we are reading human words.  The Word is always making reference to deep spiritual processes, and It is given with the expectation that the hearer will reflect carefully and not merely assume that by reading It he has also understood.

To arrive at an understanding of this Word we can start by considering a number of material processes that are already familiar to us, and that reflect a similar happening:

The money system: The rich are able to save money, and these savings increase in value, while the poor are unable to save any money, with the little they have often being spent on goods and services produced by the rich.  It could be said that the rich attract money away from the poor.

Gravitational attraction: The mutual force of attraction between planetary bodies results in larger bodies, like our sun, pulling smaller bodies like Earth into their orbit, forming a single larger system controlled by the large body.  In certain cases, such as black holes, the smaller mass may be entirely absorbed into the larger one.  It could be said that bigger bodies attract mass away from smaller bodies.

Economics:  In the realms of sports and entertainment it is observed that revenues and media attention disproportionately accrue to the top performers, making it much more difficult for second-tier performers to get noticed or make a living. This is called the “superstar effect”.  It could be said that superstars attract revenue and attention away from non-superstars.

Migration: Localities with greater resources and opportunities attract skills and resources from localities with fewer. This is brain drain.

There are many more such happenings in different spheres of life.  So many similar phenomena across multiple apparently unrelated domains gives the hint that there must be something deeper, even something spiritual, about it.

And indeed there is, as stated in The Word. There is actually a spiritual Law of Attraction, whereby similar types are drawn to each other.  And this automatically leads to the more powerful one (he that hath) “pulling” resources from the weaker (he that hath not).

Therefore the question of fairness does not arise.  That would be like asking whether gravity is “fair”.  Attraction is a spiritual fact that we must accept, understand, and adapt to.  

It is because we have accepted gravity, understood it, and adapted to it that we avoid falling off cliffs. It is also our understanding of it that has allowed us to figure out how to invent so-called “gravity-defying” inventions like airplanes.

So how should we as Christians understand and adapt to the Law of Attraction of Similar Types? We shall explore this in the next essay.

Today’s Resolution:

  • We pray for deeper insight into The Word, so that we can correctly adjust our lives to the spiritual world around us.

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